Out of Hours Service

What to do in an emergency when we are closed

When Vale Referrals is closed, we pass the overnight on-call service over to our partners:

Both services have specially trained vets and nurses who are on-site all night.

These providers will look after the out-of-hours service between 10pm-8am weekdays and weekends.

In case of an emergency please continue to contact Vale as you normally would.

The out-of-hours team will triage your call and provide guidance on the next steps. Our systems and services will continue to be available at Vale Referrals, meaning you can rest assured there will be no disruption to your pet’s care and please note there will be no change to inpatient care this will remain at Vale Referrals.

Vets Now Cheltenham

Prestbury Park
New Barn Lane
GL50 4SH

The Rowe Veterinary Hospital

Bradley House
Bradley Stoke
BS32 9DT