Fixed Pricing

Procedures Guide

In order to support a smooth referral process, we offer a range of fixed price surgery packages for clients.

  • Orthopaedic
  • Soft Tissue
  • Ophthalmology


In order to support a smooth referral process, we offer a range of fixed price orthopaedic packages for clients. 

Orthopaedic fixed price packages

Femoral head and neck excision £3325
Simple physeal fractures £3325
Simple pelvic and long bone fractures £4800
Complex pelvic and articular fractures £6050
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture  
Lateral Suture £4050
TPLO £4625
TTA £4625
CCWO £4625
Patella Luxation  
Medial and Lateral Patella Luxation (Grade I-III) £4050
Medial and Lateral Patella Luxation (Grade IV) Individualised estimates provided
Humeral Intracondylar Fissure  
CT and surgery (not including 3D printed drill guide) £4050
CT and surgery, including 3D printed drill guide for HIRS screw £4625

Our orthopaedic fixed price packages include:

  • Initial consultation

  • Pre-operative radiographs (if needed)

  • General anaesthetic and surgery (including surgical implants)

  • Post-operative hospitalisation for 1 night

  • Post-operative medication for up to 14 days

  • Up to two re-check examinations with the surgery team, including one set of radiographs (within 6 months of surgery)

  • Wound complication management within 6 weeks of surgery (not including reconstructive surgery)

All prices include VAT. Whilst we endeavour to keep within these fixed prices for all patients, please be aware that there may be additional charges for patients with other health conditions. Although major post-operative complications are unusual, any costs incurred relating to unexpected post-operative complications (not discussed above) are not included in our fixed price packages. All clients must adhere to any post-operative instructions (including buster collar management) in order to qualify for any fixed price package.

Soft Tissue

In order to support a smooth referral process, we offer a range of fixed price soft tissue packages for clients. 

Soft tissue fixed price packages

BOAS surgery (including endoscopy, if needed)* £3825
TECA-LBO £3825
VBO £3825
Laryngeal Tieback £3825
Perineal Hernia Repair  
Unilateral £3825
Bilateral £4800
Laparoscopic biopsies £1250 (excluding laboratory fees)

Our soft tissue fixed price packages include:

  • Initial consultation
  • Pre-operative radiographs (if needed)
  • General anaesthetic and surgery
  • Post-operative hospitalisation for 1 night
  • Post-operative medication for up to 14 days
  • Up to two re-check examinations with the surgery team (within 3 months of surgery)
  • Wound complication management within 6 weeks of surgery (not including reconstructive surgery)
All prices include VAT. Whilst we endeavour to keep within these fixed prices for all patients, please be aware  that there may be additional charges for patients with other health conditions. Although major post-operative  complications are unusual, any costs incurred relating to unexpected post-operative complications (not  discussed above) are not included in our fixed price packages. All clients must adhere to any post-operative  instructions (including buster collar management) in order to qualify for any fixed price package.
* Please note that our BOAS surgery fixed price package does not include the cost of a CT scan, tracheostomy, or intensive nursing care. Our surgery team will discuss an additional estimate for any of these procedures, if  needed.


In order to support a smooth referral process, we offer fixed price cataract surgery packages for clients.

Ophthalmology fixed price packages

 Unilateral cataract correction £3545
 Bilateral cataract correction £4545


Our cataract surgery fixed price packages include: 

  • General anaesthetic, surgery (by phacoemulsification) and lens replacement
  • Overnight hospitalisation following surgery
  • Anti-inflammatory medication for up to one month following surgery
  • Re-check examinations within 3 months of surgery
All prices include VAT. Whilst we endeavour to keep within these fixed prices for all patients, please be aware  that there may be additional charges for patients with other health conditions. Although major post-operative  complications are unusual, any costs incurred relating to post-operative complications may not be included in  our fixed price packages. All clients must adhere to any post-operative instructions (including buster collar  management) in order to qualify for any fixed price package.