Pet Wellness Therapies

View our list of pet wellness therapies

  • Bowen Therapy
  • Home Exercise
  • Canine Merishia Massage
  • Reiki

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a soft tissue, fascia release technique. It is gentle, non-invasive and does not involve any manipulation or high velocity moves. Moves, which are usually a rolling type action, are made over particular muscles. By focusing on a highly complex connective tissue called fascia, we can indirectly target deeper structures including tendons and ligaments, as well as other internal body systems.

The Bowen moves stimulate nerve pathways, which then set up a line of 'communication' with the nervous system. During the treatment there are short breaks which allow the brain to process the information received by the moves and make a response.

Canine Bowen Therapy is safe and effective for dogs of all ages and a wide range of presenting issues:

  • Releasing soft tissue tension and restriction
  • Facilitating skeletal alignment
  • Easing joint stiffness and improving joint mobility
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Supporting the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems
  • Reducing stress and anxiety (promoting well-being)
  • Supporting recovery from surgery and illness
  • Improving performance and aiding recovery rates in sporting/working dogs
  • Releasing tension and restriction caused by scars

Home Exercise

Home exercises can be given to owners for a variety of reasons. These exercises aim to support pets in a variety of ways, such as building strength, supporting muscular and joint mobility and developing balance, proprioception and co-ordination. Exercises may also promote mental stimulation and offer enrichment throughout a pet's life.

These exercises may include a variety of pole work, stretches, sniffy games and more. Home exercises will be tailored to your pet and are suitable for all ages and backgrounds:

  • Post operative rehabilitation
  • Sporting/working dogs
  • Puppies and young dogs
  • Dogs with mobility issues
  • Mental stimulation for older dogs, especially those with canine cognitive dysfunction
  • Enrichment games for older and/or nervous dogs
  • Bond-building between owners and dogs

Canine Merishia Massage

Merisha massage is a combination of Swedish and sports massage and incorporates deep tissue massage, fascia release techniques, gentle stretches and detailed mobilisations. Massage may benefit dogs in many ways:

  • Releasing soft tissue tension and restriction
  • Facilitating skeletal alignment
  • Easing joint stiffness
  • Improving mobility 
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Supporting circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems
  • Supporting recovery from surgery and illness
  • Improving performance and aid recovery rates in sporting/working dogs
  • Reducing stress and anxiety (promoting well-being)
  • Easing restriction caused by scars


Reiki is a form of energy-based work. Whilst the concept of hands-on healing has been around for thousands of years, Reiki itself is Japanese in origin and one of the most popular forms of healing therapies in the world. Reiki aims to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Encourage natural healing
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Support recovery from surgery or illness
  • Ease joint stiffness
  • Boost energy levels
  • Support patients through palliative and end of life care
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